As a Life Alignment practitioner and teacher and Leadership Coach, I work with individuals, businesses and other organisations to facilitate people to fulfil their true potential.
Life Alignment
Life Alignment is a unique energy therapy for health, wellbeing and transformation for you, your home, your work – for life. It’s simple, effective and powerful. It works on the causes of whatever is bringing you discomfort, pain even illness.
Upcoming Training
Foundation Course: Body Spin – Part 1
18-19 August 2018
18-19 August 2018

Diana talks Life Alignment
at the Great Wall of China
Life Alignment and how eveyone can achieve it. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.
Body Alignment
Body Alignment uses vibrational energy to heal, clearing the subconscious memory of negative patterns & experiences.
Organisation Alignment
Works powerfully for people who have a portfolio of activities, for those starting their own enterprise, for any business.
Home Alignment
Works for homes and offices, clearing energetic blockages from the history of the buildings, land and previous occupants.
Training in Life Alignment
Learn a healing method that can boost body, mind & spirit, release emotional patterns and promote a sense of self empowerment.